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This blog post has been written by Jeanette Morris our in-house Early Years Specialist who has over 33 years of teaching experience and a real passion for Early Years Education.

So, the holidays are over, September looms and that can only mean one thing in many households, back to school! For many parents and carers, the end of August and back to school period is bittersweet. You might mourn the carefree days of summer but relish getting your time back.

Making the transition back to school can be quite a challenge for children, parents and carers alike. Those who’ve enjoyed a lie in and a leisurely start to the day, now have to be organised and get up with an alarm again. Relaxed lunches, eaten on the go or on demand, now require planning or packing. And homework (insert sad emoji) yes, it’s time to start that drill again too.

But going back to school doesn’t have to be a gruelling experience for you or your children, it’s all in the planning. Here are a few of our favourite back to school tips which may help to make the transition back to school, and first days, a positive experience for everyone.

children holding hands in school uniform

Talk About School

Encouraging your child to remember previous visits, especially the fun times can help to lessen back to school anxiety. If they do feel worried, listen to their feelings to reassure them and offer solutions where possible.

Establish Earlier Bedtimes

Set earlier bedtime schedules, and encourage getting up earlier in the mornings. Start this during the school holidays so that children have a routine that leaves them well-rested and ready for the day ahead.

Take The School Journey In Advance

Take your children on a dry run of the journey to school to get familiarised with the route. This can be a useful step in back to school preparation to determine the planning time of the journey and visit the school area when it is less busy.

Practice Name Recognition

Get your child to practise looking for their name or picture. It’s very handy if they can find their own space in the cloakroom and recognise their own clothes and belongings. Make learning fun with an alphabet beanbag game where children can find and match the letters in their names.

Practice Going To The Toilet Independently

Preparing your children for the transition to school is made easier by practising going to the toilet themselves. This will help your child to feel independent and reduce the chance of accidents. It can also be helpful to talk to their school about any issues early on.

Practice Dressing And Undressing Independently

Support muscle and joint coordination as children build lifelong skills, with the added bonus of improving confidence as they gain another independence skill. Help them practice dressing up in their school uniform to get familiar with the buttons and zips and avoid frustration and try using lacing and threading toys to build hand-eye coordination

Get Everything Ready The Night Before

Make sure all personal belongings are labelled, lay out your child’s uniform and have bags packed and ready for the morning. Involve children by creating a back to school checklist that they read through and tick off for the first few days so nothing is left forgotten.

Talk About The Exciting Day Ahead

Remind your child about the fun things waiting for them at school where they will have lots of opportunities to make friends and have fun with their peers. Let them share what they are most looking forward to in their new class.

Leave Plenty Of Time To Get To School

Rushing to get everyone ready in the morning is the norm in most homes, but getting there nice and early on the first day will create a more enjoyable experience.

Say A Quick Goodbye

If your child does become upset, try to remain calm and take your lead from the school staff. Remember to stay positive when saying goodbye (this can be difficult for parents but it is important to stay upbeat as children are sensitive to their parent’s feelings). Most children are playing happily by the time you’ve reached the school gates.

After school, be prepared for a very tired child, even if your child is used to a long day at nursery, a school day can be exhausting. And don’t forget, you get to do it all again tomorrow!

Wishing all children, parents, carers, teachers, assistants and staff a very happy first day back.