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Children growing up in the modern world can so easily be entertained with devices and screens however there are huge benefits associated with organic creative imaginative play. In this blog we share 10 popular imaginative play activities for you to introduce to your children and spark imaginations!

What is imaginative play?

Imaginative play, which is also known commonly as pretend play, refers to the activities children engage in when they use their imagination or creativity as the foundation. Imaginative play can take many forms such as storytelling, role play, mimicking real life situations or creating new worlds to explore.

What are the benefits of imaginative play

Imaginative play can offer various benefits throughout the different stages of a child’s life and development. Some of these include:

  • Cognitive development
  • Storytelling skills
  • Emotional expression
  • Empathy and understanding
  • Understanding the world

To read more about the benefits as well as some tips to encourage imaginative play, head to our dedicated blog by clicking the link here.

10 Imaginative Play Activities to Try Out

Pirate treasure hunt

1. Pirate treasure hunt

For this activity, simply hide some coins or other “treasure” around your setting or even in a tuff tray covered with sand. Next, download our free Treasure Map template and sketch out a map to the treasures location.

Your little ones will be the pirates trying to find the treasure! Why not encourage them to dress up or practice their best “A Hoy!” as they get involved with the hunt.

2. Create a Den

Den building is an activity guaranteed to keep children entertained. What will your little ones create, will it be a bear cave, fairytale castle or a mansion. The possibilities for creativity are endless.

Create a Den
Build a Boat

3. Build a Boat

Allow your little ones to set sail on the wide open sea with a few resources and their imagination! How will they construct their boat, will it be using cushions, natural resources or upcycled crates? Where will they sail to and with who!

4. Potions

Will your child be a witch, wizard or simply a mad scientist? With this activity they can be whoever they choose as they mix up exciting concoctions and make their own potions. The activity could be done indoors with standard household kitchen items such as bowls, vinegar and bicarbonate of soda to make fizzing potions or outdoors mixing up natural resources such as sand or soil with soap and water. Why not incorporate our potions dice to see where your imaginations could take you?

Potion making
Put on a Puppet Show

5. Put on a Puppet Show

Puppets are a great way for children to develop their communication and language whilst challenging their imagination. No specific resources are needed as a puppet can be made out of anything, wooden spoons, a pair of old socks or even just your hands. What sort of story will your child come up with? A great resource to incorporate into your puppet show’s to set the stage are puppet threatres! Or teach children about the importance of family as they role play with our family finger puppets!

6. Doll Day Care

Doll play is such a common activity for children engaging in imaginative play and is invaluable for teaching children life skills and developing personal, social and emotional skills. Whilst in doll day care, why not encourage your little ones to give their dolls a bath?

Doll Day Care
Mud Kitchen Chef

7. Mud Kitchen Chef

Children love to act out roles they have observed, one such example is cooking! What will your children use for ingredients and what will they make? Why not venture outdoors and see what natural ingredients children can rustle up into something “delicious”

8. Shop Keeper

Playing shop keeper is such a common activity for children and is great for them to mimic real life scenarios as well as learn crucial skills for later life. For this you do not need to get particular resources but instead make use of items you have around your setting, what could you use for currency? What will your little one be selling in their shop?

Shop Keeper
Space Explorer

9. Space Explorer

Imaginative play can also be encouraged with no specific resources. Why not take something mediocre like a cardboard box and transform it into a rocket ship? Children can start by decorating their “space ship” with paints or decoration and then get aboard for blast off! Where will their spaceship take them and who will they meet along the way?

10. Firefighter

This activity is great not only for the imagination but also physical development! Start by propping up a tuff tray (you could also do this on a wall outside) and painting a fire onto it. Next get your little ones to get into character as the firefighter tasked with putting out this “fire”. Your children could use a garden hose or other water play resources like spray bottles to get the “fire” under control. What other things will your fire fighter get up to?


We hope this has given you some inspiration for your imaginative play activities. We would love to hear which has been your favourite or what activities your little ones enjoy. Share your stories with us by tagging us in your content or using the hashtag #ExploreWithEYR to get the conversation going!

Imaginative play resources