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Traditional awareness days such as Father’s day can often present issues for carers and early years practitioners. As we know, all families are unique, and sometimes communicating this to children in a way that makes them feel included can be difficult. Using the day as a way of celebrating all different carers can help to make all children feel represented and show their carers how much they love them.

In a recent survey, 81% of parents and early years practitioners indicated that when trying to support inclusivity on days such as Father’s Day and Mother’s Day, their focus was on celebrating love and kindness over anything else.

To honour love and kindness, we have created a blog full of activity ideas to give you and your little ones the inspiration to make something for someone you love. The ideas suggested in this blog have been carefully selected so that children can create them for a parent, grandparent, godparent, friend, relative, or carer of any kind who they love.

You’re my rock

small pebbles that have been decorated with paint and googly eyes

You will need:

Step 1 – Find your perfect rock

Head out on a nature hunt to find your perfect rock. What size will you look for? What shape or colour?

Step 2 – Decorate your rock

Let your little ones express their creativity and go wild! You can choose to give your rock a personality and add a face with googly eyes or decorate it with paints and patterns and even glitter! We went for a buzzy bee!

Step 3 – Attach your rock to your card

On the bottom of the card write “You rock!”, then attach your decorated rock to your card!

Appreciation Card

two hand prints cut out and connected with concertina card to create a card

You will need:

Start by drawing around your little one’s hands onto a piece of coloured card and then carefully cut them out! The fingers can be a bit fiddly so make sure to supervise your little one at all times when cutting out.

Step 1 – Cut out your hands

Step 2 – Create your attachment

Using another piece of card, cut out a rectangular strip. Then fold your rectangle back and forth until it forms an accordion.

Step 3 – Add your message

On one of the hands carefully write “I love you…” and then on the rectangular accordion add “this much”. All that’s left to do is stick your rectangular strip to the inside of the two hands and you’re done!

Reflective Writing

Image of free download where children can fill the gaps about someone they love

You will need:

Step 1 – Download your template

Head to our free download selection, download and print your template.

Step 2 – Read and fill in the blanks

Read the statements with your little ones and encourage them to think of words and reasons to add in the blank spaces to describe their loved one.

Our activities have been carefully selected for children to celebrate whoever they appreciate. Share your creations with us on social media using the hashtag #ExplorewithEYR!